Osteopathy Services in Yateley
Everything You Need To Know

Human Osteopathy
Developed by American Physician, Andrew T. Still in the 1880s, Osteopathy is a worldwide medical philosophy that aims to restore health of the individual by focusing on the structural integrity of the body, with circulatory health being paramount. Using joint mobilisations and a variety of soft-tissue techniques, including health advice, the individual can benefit greatly.

Equine Osteopathy
Whether you are a 'Happy Hacker' or an Elite-level show jumper, all horses and ponies deserve access to excellent healthcare. Equine Osteopathy is a non-invasive approach for caring for the wellbeing of your horse. Using joint articulations and soft-tissue mobilisation techniques to ease muscle tension and tissue stress, the overall health and performance of your horse can be improved. Osteopathy can be used in a variety of situations including: pre-event preparation, post-event recovery, injury treatment and general maintenance. Also, treatments are often used to help recover from injury by improving biomechanical function, circulation and tissue health.

Canine Osteopathy
We love our dogs, don't we.
My thoughts are, they are so loyal and loving (most of the time!) and on this planet for a relatively short period of time, that they deserve the best care they can. Dogs benefit from regular exercise, but often have a habit of overdoing it leading to joint stiffness and muscle pain. In addition, just like humans, arthritis is a common condition and can affect certain breeds more than others. Treating the spine, joints and muscles and tendons using osteopathic techniques can help to improve flexibility and mobility and lead to increased recovery and improved performance.